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Felony Bail Bonds for Kansas Charges

While you can get felony bail bond services in Kansas, the way in which the state calculates bail eligibility and pricing is complex. Two individuals facing the same felony charges might experience very different bail outcomes due to Kansas’ system.

How Kansas Treats Felonies

felony charges

Most states have similar sentencing guidelines for misdemeanors and felonies. Kansas is unique, however, where felony charges are treated in a significantly different manner than misdemeanor charges. 

Individuals facing felony charges are sentenced based on a complex grid system divided by the crime’s severity and the individual’s criminal record. Crimes are additionally divided into drug and non-drug offenses. 

  • Severity levels range from 1-10 for non-drug offenses and 1-5 for drug offenses. Level 1 refers to the most severe. 
  • Criminal history categories range from “A” to “I.” Category “A” refers to the most serious previous crimes. 

A person’s character, employment status and the overseeing judge can also affect Kansas’ system. 

In addition to determining sentencing, these factors play a role in how bail is determined. Multiple prior convictions or very severe current felony charges might reduce eligibility for bail or increase the price of bail. For example, violent crimes, such as murder, typically result in an automatic denial of bail.

Fast, Affordable Felony Bail

Felony bail costs can be up to $500,000 in fines and punishable by extensive jail time. A bail bond with Owens Bonding Co. will usually cost you just 10% of the full cost of your bail. If a judge sets your bail at $10,000, we can get you out of jail for just $1,000. Owens Bonding serves counties across Kansas. Call us at 866-830-BOND (2663) or find an agent near you.