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How Jail Works

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When you or someone you love is arrested, it can be a very stressful and worrisome time with many questions left unanswered. Questions like, “how long does it take to get booked in jail?” and “how many years can you be in jail” suddenly become very important inquiries that never seemed to matter before. When you or your loved one has been arrested the most important thing to do is stay calm and contact the correct authorities for assistance, such as a reputable bondsman and an experienced attorney. These professionals can provide you with jail and arrest information by performing a jail and inmate search. They can also provide you with charge and bonding information once the arrested party is processed.

Why do You Go to Jail?

There are many reasons why someone may get arrested. Most commonly, the arrested party is caught in the act of wrongdoing. However, sometimes, they may be arrested for a bench or capias warrant specifically by the judge. Whether your charge is a felony, misdemeanor, or bench warrant, you will be arrested the same way and brought to an incarceration facility.

  • Felony Arrest: If you are arrested for a felony charge, you will most likely have to stay in jail until you see the judge about a bond agreement. Most times, felonies are judged on a case by case basis and include considerations concerning the severity and frequency of the crime.
  • Misdemeanor Arrest: In many cases, misdemeanor charges have preset bonds. This means that when you are finished with the booking process, your bond can be posted for release. There are, however, exceptions, and charges like repeat DUI offenses and violent charges will usually have to be decided by the judge.
  • Bench Warrants: Bench warrants are issued when you fail to appear for a court day or other official meeting set by a judge. These warrants can typically be bonded easily after processing.
  • Capias Warrants: These warrants are issued for parties that have already set up an agreement with the court but failed to hold up their end of the deal. Unfortunately, these warrants can never be bonded and will need to be paid and cleared before release will be allowed.

The Processing Process

No matter what the reason, the arrested party will go through the same processing procedure before they can be bonded out. Processing can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a whole day, depending on how busy the facility is. Processing the inmate includes taking fingerprints and mugshots, changing into uniform, and being given the chance to call a concerned party. Once the booking process is complete, either a bond will be set or a bond case is set to go before the judge.

Will I go to Jail for First Felony Charges?

In many cases, judges are more lenient with first-time charges than with repeat offenders. However, that is not always the case, and judges are not required to grant leniency. In some cases, especially in violent crimes, first-time offenders are not typically granted leniency and will most likely spend time behind bars.

How Can I Find Out if Someone is in Police Custody?

Once a person has been booked into the legal system, they are traceable by any authorized party. Some cities and counties have inmate search websites where you can check to see if someone is in custody. Other areas require a phone call to inquire of someone’s incarceration. In areas such as metropolitans and other high crowding places, a professional such as a bail bondsman can help get the information needed.

How Can I Find Out What Jail Someone is In?

In many cases, inmates are shuffled through the justice system, serving time in multiple areas for different infractions. Once time has been served in one area, the inmate will be transported to another area if charges exist. This can make it very difficult finding the correct jail to bond someone out. In most cases, the arresting department can tell you where the inmate was transported. This step will need to be repeated for each transfer until the inmate is located. Once you locate your loved one, the detaining facility should be able to tell you if there are anymore pending charges for other areas to prevent another transport.

Jail vs. Prison

While jail and prison may seem interchangeable, they are actually quite different. Jail typically refers to a county or city facility that is used for holding, misdemeanor, and short-term felony sentences.

justice concept. old grunge prison seen through jail bars
County and City Jails are Typically for Minor Crime and Sentencing Carry-Out.

These facilities are minimum security and are controlled by the city or county court system. Prison, on the other hand, is typically medium or maximum security and is used for long-term serious offense sentencing. Many times, prison inmates are violent parties or repeat offenders that have more than 5 years of jail time to serve.

No matter what type of charges you or your loved one is facing, it can be a very uncertain and uneasy time. Let the Owen’s Bonding Co. team put your mind at ease by offering professional bonding and procedure advice to help the process go as smoothly as possible. We can help you locate your loved one and get them bonded as soon as possible for a minimal stay behind bars. Once free, we help the arrested party be successful in their bond by explaining the process in detail and providing the guidance and communication needed to keep all interested parties in the loop. When someone you love has been served an arrest warrant in Wichita, KS area, call the Owen’s Bonding Co. professionals first at 866-830-2663 to provide the help you need to get your loved one out quick.