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Category: DUI Charges

  • What happens when you get a DUI?

    What happens when you get a DUI?

    Understanding DUI Charges In the State of Kansas, the legal blood alcohol limit is 0.08 for anyone 21 years of age and older. For anyone under the age of 21, there is zero-tolerance with a maximum blood alcohol level of .02 or above. The DUI court process is also different for a person under 21… Continue

  • What happens when you get a DUI for the first time?

    What happens when you get a DUI for the first time?

    Understanding the Basics of DUI Arrests Being arrested for a DUI shouldn’t be taken lightly. A DUI is a crime and there are consequences to be paid, regardless of whether it is a first time offense or if you have a history of offense. But the more DUI arrests you have on your record, the… Continue

  • How To Avoid Getting A DUI

    How To Avoid Getting A DUI

    We all like to unwind now and then, whether it is hanging out with friends, family, or just cooling down from a hard day at work by yourself. Having a few drinks is not a bad way to relax, however, driving after those drinks can land you in a heap of trouble. DUIs are serious charges… Continue

  • DUI Arrest Procedure

    DUI Arrest Procedure

    You’ve had a couple drinks and now you’re driving home around 11 PM. Suddenly, you see flashing lights in your rear view mirror and realize a police officer plans to pull you over. Many people ask in situations like this, what is the DUI arrest procedure? Call  for DUI bail in Wichita, KS. Below are… Continue